The benefits of elder care services
A look at why elder care services are essential to society

It is hard, we know, to suddenly be faced with the idea that our parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts – any loved one – aren’t as sprightly anymore. Ageing brings with it a range of troubles, and it falls upon caregivers usually comprised of family and friends to take care of an elderly person’s needs. According to the India Ageing Report 2023, published by the United Nations Population Fund in collaboration with the International Institute for Population Sciences, about one-fifth of India’s population will be over 60 years old by 2050. Given India’s senior population is growing rapidly, by 2050, people above the age of 60 will more than double to about 347 million, from 149 million as of July 2022.
These numbers provide enough impetus for everyone to think ahead, and fast. Elder care services in India have a long way to go to be as efficient, skilled and well-funded as they should be, but first, it’s important for everybody to understand why these services are even necessary at all, and need attention not only from caregivers but the society in general.
First, there is the ethical argument. Taking care of the elderly in our communities and societies is a collective responsibility. To offer services that enable their independence and ensure not only a comfortable life but also one that is dignified, should be of paramount importance. This pertains not just to the healthcare industry, but also to public and private parties who can offer resources, ideas and support to enhance their quality of life.
Elder care services are a boon to the socioeconomic ecosystem, not only because they provide employment to thousands of people, but also because they offer caregivers respite and peace of mind to function well within their personal and professional spaces. Productivity and employee engagement increases, interpersonal relations aren’t impacted and seniors live a high-quality, safe and comfortable life while maintaining their own standards of living.
A crucial aspect of elder care services is that serious medical issues can be easily averted when trained professionals are present with seniors at all times. This is particularly relevant for people who already suffer from some form of illness that requires regular monitoring and medication support. It’s also important for mental health — the senior at home isn’t lonely, and the caregiver can build their own life in peace.
But this isn’t to say that elder care services are only beneficial for in-home care. It’s equally important that skilled assistants or companions are available to seniors who want to go out and enjoy a life outdoors as well.
Consider this: Your 65-year-old parents have help at home to take care of their needs indoors, but the housekeeper cannot take them out because they have a home to run. Also, it’s hard for one person to be taking care of two even slightly vulnerable seniors. In this scenario, it’s important to have the option of being able to hire short-term help who can simply accompany your parents to the park or to an event or a place of worship. This helps you to retain your peace of mind, while giving your parents the option to live as freely as possible.
At MobiCrew, this is what we aim to do. Because as much as at-home care services are necessary, it’s equally important to create a safe net of skilled people who can be your outdoor companions as well when people with limited mobility need it. Our motto hits this point home — Live life, we’re right behind you.
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